Sunday, March 29, 2009


The past few weeks have been a deliberation in whether to change my occupational status or not. In other words, should I remove myself from my full time job to go and work in a different (but original) department.
This past Thursday night I went to young adults at a different church and we talked about how every moment should be the greatest moment of your life because it is all you have. Previous moments are past, future ones have not come.-- we need to live NOW. Not tomorrow, not years from now, but NOW... I sat there listening and the pastor said - i promise he did - that if you're considering a change in your job but don't want to out of leaving your comfort zone, you need to do it. I smiled. I hear you God. I hear you. .... and then he continued in talking about living -- making one's life full, about traveling and really living life. My consideration for "should I europe" is almost affirmed.

Then, last night. At my church. The pastor here talked about how we need to move out of our levels of comfort, take steps of faith, take opportunities out of our zones of "easyness"....
I felt like God said AGAIN.. "shar, you need to move from your job..." I felt Him give me a peace about it - an excitement about it - that I wouldn't be opposed by my current manager. I was happy in the choice that may not make others happy. I realized that maybe it's time to figure out my life and not the 'happiness' of others before it. ....I felt like God told me to enjoy a trip to Europe, that I should go visit my friends there.

And so I am potentially booking my flight (listed below) to Europe... (Patti, i will be back in time for your wedding!!)
And today, not 20 minutes ago, I fired off a message to my manager and supervisor about leaving my position to go elsewhere. ... *phew*

There's just so much being worked on in my heart. There's so much I'm challenging in myself - or, well, rather that God is challenging. I want to take risks. I want to try new things. I want to see new sights and be a part of what God is wanting to do... And I'm excited about it!!


B said...

Wow!! Congrats - and good for you! I remember hearing someone say that God directs rivers not puddles. (Clearly not found in the Bible - lol). But simple meaning that puddles stay still - stagnant, not progression in life, not willing to become a creek or a river. But rivers - well, it was a river that carved the Grand Canyon. The impact of a river! "So keep moving, growing, and following God's direction"

yeah... must have been a Jr High Youth Night.

I'm proud of you though, those are some big steps... and not easy ones to make, especially in today's economy. It would be easy to rationalize your way out of leaving your job for a new one; to second guess what you know God to be saying. But He's got bigger things instore for you - and you hear and know His voice.

I'm excited to hear how it all comes together!!

Patti said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you Shar! This will be such a great move for you! to Europe will be so fun for you...visiting with friends, seeing the sights, eatting yummy foods... I'm so happy for you and thrilled that God spoke to you in a such a clear voice :)
ps...double yay that you'll be home in time for my wedding :D

Quebecca said...

Good for you! Forget about comfort, I say. Life is meant to be at least a bit uncomfortable! It helps build our faith and character :)

And awesome on listening to God. I've not been saying much to God lately, just listening to him. I feel like just listening and not talking lately have really helped me to discern things in my life better. And to heal.