Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Busy Week, kinda....

At young adults, we were made to sit outside in the parking lot for a good 10 minutes, no talking, no huddling with people... An illustration for the night's sermon on homelessness.
I love that group of people. I really do. I don't know a whole lot of them, but they're pretty cool. I enjoy being a part of the leadership for them - despite the fact that it can be frustrating. One thing excites me though -- and that is where God is taking the group. Perhaps it will dissolve to be a once a month meeting with life group focus. We don't know. I thoroughly enjoy the leadership that it does have right now. The pastor is such a cool guy....

My volunteer work with the Boys and Girls Club is more than enjoyable. I like it a lot....

And...... work is frustrating.
5 of us got freaked on by our manager this week. She accused us of stealing $2. We found $4 under the photocopier the next day. The morale in the dept is dead. I'm setting up my escape plan...

I enjoy my friends. I truely do. I'm so blessed by each and everyone one of them. I have been realizing of late that I'm pretty lucky to have the friends I have. Seriously. In order for someone to be your friend, they need to like you. Some days, I just don't think I'm likable. Some days (like yesterday) I'm down right "dirty" and need a good dunk in some joy juice or something. I just keep thinking that I need to be an example. I need to show the love of Christ because my co-workers are watching me -- and i remember my pastor saying "Us Christians should be the most joyful people on earth, but we need to tell our faces that because sometimes it looks as if we were baptised in vinegar or lemon juice.." I don't want that to be me....
So it's on these horrible days that I reflect and rest in awe of those friends who call me "friend", those individuals in my life who WANT to spend time with me, who WANT to know how my week was, and who smile and embrace me when they see me.
I can only try to be just as good to them (if not better) than they are to me.... cuz frankly, I don't deserve some of them.....

1 comment:

B said...

Awww.. friend! I too have those days where you wonder why anyone is your friend at all - but you're right. When we think of all the wonderful people in our life (and not just those that have merely come and gone, but those that have truly stuck around on the 'ugly' days), life just seems that much more rich and enjoyable. To know that you are loved and cherished by someone/people other than your family (because you know they have to! haha) makes everything so much better... and bearable.

I remember Andrew Sherman preaching once at KCC that 'everyone needs to love and be loved, to celebrate and be celebrated'.


Sucks about the $2. That's a sure way of crushing morale. I was once accused of parking in visitor parking at my job. I said "of course I do! But only when I work till 9pm and don't want to walk to my car alone at night - if you want me to park on the other side of the building, then hire security to walk me to my car". Its hard when you work hard, enjoy your job, and have to deal with petty-ness. Ugh - I feel ya!

Good luck on the search - maybe it will bring you to Edmonton? Eh?? EH!?!? ;)

I love you, but I really don't wish a move to Edmonton on anyone!