Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hair, oh hair...

I got my hair done again. I thoroughly enjoy going to my hairdresser. For one, she's the bomb. We have such a GREAT time when we're together... I tell her my stories (there's always something that's happened that puts her into stitches), and two, she makes wonderful magic with my hair! I leave feeling like a whole new person.

I seriously think i entertain the rest of the hairdressers there too (and the clients). They all watch the colors that go into my hair, the saran wrap that goes between the colors, and the crazy cut my dresser comes up with on her own after gleefully clapping her hands and jumping up and down like a child anticipating the best time ever. I'm glad to be her entertainment..
I tip her pretty well too. It's usually in the form of a booster juice...

Oh, Booster Juice. I like them. Their downside is that they're positioned between Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and a Sushi Shop. While patiently standing in line for a 'healthy alternative', I debate whether i should get me a caramel apple (*drool*) for 'later' (meaning, now), or some California Rolls and Bubble Tea instead. .... I most often stick with Booster Juice and this past week i was glad I did. For a limited time they have this AMAZING Pomegranite Passion flavor. OH. MY. Soooooooooooo good. It was like candy. Or Sherbet. Or something beyond good.... I wonder how limited the time is that they say it's limited for. I may have to go wander the mall for the sake of getting another one. Or for one of these:

In other news:

I have a new toy. ..

It's totally convenient. 160 books at my fingertips - it gives me 100 free books to download, mind you they're from a select 1000 books of the "classics", so, i'm loading up on Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, George MacDonald and more.. I figure that it's always good to have a little DIckens or Austen on hand. I ADORE their literature and prose. I could ready it over and over and over again...

Good ol' technology.

Speaking of technology. I have two incredible friends over in the Phillipines right now, and I miss contact with them.... BUT, it just so happens that their hours (16 hrs ahead) correspond well with my night shifts so I've been blessed with the ability to email them and/or facebook them (via my blackberry because work has Facebook blocked) when they're online! YAY for that! Yay for the internet in the Phillipines!! I'm able to hear how God's working in their hearts over there.... *sigh*. 10 more days until they fly back to Canada! I will see one of them in 2 weeks hopefully, and I swear I will attack him when I do...

I'm at work right now... and this is what I'm tired of getting.
Me: "Who do you want me to put down as your person to notify in case of emergency?"
Patient: "uhhh... can I put you down? Can you be my emergency contact?"

No, people! NO!
not my idea of a winner pick-up line.

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