Thursday, March 05, 2009

The BIG 3-0

What to do, what to do...

So, my birthday is coming up in a couple of months and i'm contemplating it's activities... You see, I want it to be something enjoyable but I'm not sure to what extent....

I am currently considering a couple of options.

1. Trip to Europa.. I have been wanting to go back and visit my friends there in Germany, Switzerland and Italy but I'm not SUPER enthused about going like I have been in previous years. In going though, I'd want to be with a friend or two that I'm super tight with -- or do something memorable. Considering I have been to Europe 3 times before, there's no where that i am DYING to go to and see, especially on my 30th birthday.

2. Trip to SoCal. I could choose to meet a super amazing close friend down in southern California for some fun in the sun, sand and ocean. In previous years, our family vacationed down there with another close family and those have always been highlights. I'm such a fan of the pacific ocean off the coast of California that this trip would be dreamy -- especially with a good friend. Nothing like ringing in the big birthday with relaxation and sunshine. I just don't know if that's exciting enough...

The question is, what is it that I am looking for -- what do i WANT from a birthday. Previous years have disappointed, but it's all about what I make of it right? ...
This past year has been such a blessing all round, this year has brought many wonderful people and God moments -- the potential for next year has no ceiling.
My latest consideration has been this...
3. Sushi party gathering... : I have a friend who can make sushi - he worked as a sushi chef for over 2 years and can do it all... I could have him come up and make the food, charge everyone $10/head for some good foods -- and then just hang out. I could do a bonfire, we could play Wii... I could get everyone to dress up to a theme (all things "S": Shar, sushi, s'mores, ).... Oh the options....

I just can't decide whether i want to be HERE or not... I presume i could do both a trip and a party here....

1 comment:

B said...

Do it all!!! It's your 30th - you can do it all!!!