Thursday, April 09, 2009

Do you RANT in your dream?


I do.
I did the other night...

Back a couple of years ago i took a distance class on --- current topics? I can't even remember what it was. Being a distance class you do have to submit opinions on this chat program with others in the class and then comment no their topics too. -- all relative to the course of course! I couldn't go on there and randomly choose to seek opinions on different aspects of life that truly mattered to me, no, it was all relative to class topics.

One week we were discussing FASD (Fetal Alcoholism) and how women should or should not have any alcohol during pregnancy. People would of course talk about how their mother did or did not drink; about how these women who do choose to drink should have their children taken away; rehab programs for mothers etc.
My woman's lib and internal feminist started burning inside me. WHY ARE WE BLAMING THE WOMAN? IS THERE NO ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE MAN?? Seriously. We blame Eve for the apple (unless you go to a good church that reflects on how the Man is the "man" of the house, the leader, and in the situation of Adam and Eve stood in passivity choosing not to encourage her otherwise or reflect on God's heart for the matter, and how ever since then men have held this passive stance while still dictating on their women).
So, in this subject of debate, I got on there and said "when a woman is pregnant, she doesn't get that why by herself, so why not during pregnancy, the man choose to remain sober and clean as a means of support?"
In my mind, it's only fair. They are a team - or should be - and intend on raising the child together, so.. yes?
Further in my thoughts then I considered this -- have any scientists dared to think about how alcohol may POSSIBLY effect the sperm in any way? The body is a unit - ETOH goes everywhere.... why not to the testes? Have they not considered the possibilty that deficits in some way may result from a man's choosing to drink all the time before spreading his drunken swimmers? Or what about age? We know that men in their 70's can still aid in producing children but could their sperm be a bit "defective?"..... The body is falling apart after all.

Not last year I read an article on just that. Albeit it was short - but i was vindicated, and oh SO happy. Older men (like those in their 60's and 70's) should not reproduce. They say that even men in their 40's have a higher chance of problems in terms of the 'health' of their sperm. Gee, you think? Argh. Maybe now they're looking at he effects of alcohol too. I thought I read something about that too somewhere, but perhaps I'm wrong.

Back to my dream.
I was sitting in this public forum and everyone was discussing and arguing over whether women should have a sip or not of alcohol, let alone a drink while pregnant or considering pregnancy. For one, the most damage is done in the first 6-10 weeks of gestation if you drink a lot - and generally, people may not even know they're pregnant! But in my dream i started spewing facts I didn't realize I knew, facts about the man's role, and what about the potential deficits to DNA construction in drunk sperm, about how men should choose to remain clean with their woman if they dare want to call that child theirs and take some so-called responsibility.
I was steaming. But i was clear in my point. In my dream they applauded me. I wasn't looking for that but it made a point.... And I took it.

I have nothing against alcohol per se, but i really do NOT like what it does to people. = what it does to their bodies and most importantly, how it destroys life. Our neighbor was a drinker but his family didn't realize just how much until now, in his 70's his brain has atrophy'd so much that he's not really there: Korsakoff's Disease - dementia as a result of alcoholism.
I mentored a child for the RJ Program at the Boys and GIrls Club who was FASD. He has such big dreams but cognitively ...... he's not rational. He will struggle for the rest of his life. It broke my heart.
I hang out with guys who were addicted to anything and everything. One of them told me that he wouldn't have a conversation with a girl unless he had alcohol in his system and a brown bottle in his hand. When I first met this guy and talked with him for a while he asked me how he was doing socially-wise - whether the conversation was okay because he wasn't used to talking to a girl without a drink in his hand and a smoke in the other - he had been clean for 11 months at this point.

In my psychopharmacology class we studied all the drugs, their potency, their effects (long term and short term) and all the studies pointed to tobacco and alcohol being far worse than others out there - or at least just as bad as some others out there. No joke. If they were not "legal" today, they would never be legalized because of how harmful they are. That took me for a surprise. In otherwords, you're far better off ingesting some good ol BC Bud (not smoking, cuz that hurts your lungs) than you are anything else. It's not addictive, doesn't hold long term effects unles you become a chronic user... (not that I'm advocating at all! i despise it all!). OR, i thought that i would be better off 'chipping' one weekend - getting high on cocaine for a weekend - and then back to life come monday. [this is common among many professionals who choose to be what they call "chippers", going on a cocaine high for the weekend - no addiction, just a 'get away from the every day']. Again. I don't recommend any of it.... but as a whole, it paints a pretty good picture for the use of any "drug".
Ignorance isn't bliss.... it's stupidity. A lesson I'm learning in detail.

Have you ranted lately?


Quebecca said...

I asked a friend whose wife was pregnant the same thing a while ago - if he was abstaining from alcohol because his wife was also. He looked at me like I was insane.

Sexism can be so ingrained in our beings we don't even notice it.

Patti said...

I have to agree about abstaining from alcohol for both mommy and daddy when trying to conceive and during the pregnacy. We've talked about it, and we're both stopping with all alcholic beverages about a month before we start trying for a baby. (If we find out it should be a longer period of time, we'll stop sooner) Having grown up with my adopted FAE brother, I've seen the effects of alcohol and drugs on the children. It's not good and it's a life long struggle for the FAS/FAE kid and for the family members. I know I'll be the one who's responsible for Craig years from now...all because his birth mother couldn't abstain.

I'm so thankful I'm marrying a man who feels as strongly as I do about the health of our children. Neither one of us will do anything to harm the lives of our babies!

Sharlene said...

I'm no fan of sexism. It's not fair, truely. I think that if we just respected each other, the world would be a much better place. -- and that includes self respect too! What a HUGE difference that would make!
Hedonism, be gone! :)

And good on ya Patti! With so many other potential harms that can come to a child during prenatal growth, why add something that we can control? :D