Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The "Last" week...

This week is a week of "lasts" - so to speak.

Tonite was our "last" alive for a while, and possibly ever? Dunno. It was fantastic though. Cory Siewert led worship (love his heart), Scott said a diddy, we had communion, we had coffeehouse... I danced, jumped and swung my arms around in the back with a few friends. It was blessed. I also presented Scott with a Thank-you card and gift cert to take his wife out on a hot date. Our church is having a rough time right now, so, in feeling with with Scott's whole visage, I told him that I felt some of us should pray for him and lay hands on him. He was good with that. We did....
I will miss weekly harassments of any sort with Scott. Mind you, I'm pretty sure that our Blackberry Messenger antics will not end. Plus, he still has to put a good word in for me to my current *crunch*.
This summer we're going to join with other churches for sports nights in the park, fellowship, funs, etc etc. I'm definitely digging the conglomeration of all the Kelowna young adults. It's seriously fantastic. .... And i am serious. Back in the day it was as if there were a competition between denominations as to who when where and when- - and there was no mulitple church attendancing. If you did, it was just wierd. (I did, and some found me wierd). Now, it's almost normal -- going to one church in the am, another in the pm, yet another for some mid-week hang out bible study or fellowship. One pastor said a few weeks ago "we are all ONE church. There is ONE God. ONE body.... .... ONE church." I agree. So now it's all about meeting as many as I can from different churches. It's awesome. :)

And tonite is my 3rd last night shift (or shift at all) in Admitting. As of May 1, I will be a casual in Rehab once again. Yippee!!!! No more night shifts, no more weekends, no more evenings. YES! I will miss the steady paycheck and shift differential though, but that's just money - and something God wants me to challenge Him on (or rather, trust Him in). No more drunk idiots coming in at 3 am after bar fights. No more freaked out surgical patients staring at my chest and cracking dumb jokes. Oh wait. I'll just have cognitively challenged pts staring at my chest and muttering disinhibited thoughts. Awesome. No more cops (*sigh* I will miss that..). No more paramedics or transport personnel telling me funny naked people stories. No more ER docs asking me to do something with THEIR hair, or calling me stylish, or telling me they always see me in purple...No more spying on cute Med Residents sipping coffee in the lobby. No more urologists buying us pizza... Awe, now i'm getting reminisent. I guess I will miss this stuff....

All of it.

But it's good.

Onto bigger and better. Onto physiotherapists and occupational therapists, to free massages and foot orthotics, onto harassing neurolgists for an MRI referral... Onto using the gym equipment after hours... And to so much more I don't even know about yet!

Just 2 more night shifts... 2 more.

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