Friday, June 12, 2009

Week 2

No. I will not continue every week of being 30 with an blog denoting such... But this week feels like it sooooo closely follows the premise of Week 1 that I had to title it as Week 2.

I still don't feel 30 - and i don't think i will EVER feel the age I am progressing to each year. I'm stuck at 26. For now. I have a friend who's 24. He told me that HE feels 30, so we decided to change ages. Is that permissible?... Shoot.

I got a message on my FB from one of my most beloved friends. She's pretty much one of my besties (I think i have 3, or 4?) and it REALLY sucks that she lives in Phoenix AZ. I can attest though that perhaps it's a good thing she's that far away, because i fear that if she spends TOO much time with me I'd drive her nuts and further away.. I'd hope not. But she's one of those friends that you want to spend MORE time with, glean off of, hang onto, and hear every word from . Anyways. I had been firing off email after email of certain updates that have been occuring in my life - mostly concerning a certain *crush* (ridiculous, I know, but we do that don't we...) and everything else that has been occuring. She's a prayer warrior, she's studying for the Arizona Bar Exam (2 months away from being a lawyer!) and unbeknownst to me has not been attending to her email account for the reasons of study. We would send a text everyone once in a while... we would fb every once in a while... but i haven't talked to her in..... MONTHS (way too long). Her message alluded to me being on her heart more than normal and the urgency for her to pray for me -- she wanted to know what was up. ..
THAT NIGHT.... i should have had heartbreak. But rather than heartbreak, I had a heart opening. Rather than feeling my stomach and heart collide, swap places and shake my world I live in, I felt my heart grown with adoration and affection. After being told by my *crush* that he's going on a date with this girl he has been interested in for a LONG time and finally had the balls to ask out, I stood there and cared about him, I stood there and rejoiced with him.
That has NEVER happened before. (I have pretended to, but never genuinely done so). I conversed with him trying to understand HOW my heart could possibly be increasing in phileo for him despite my personal feelings - AND tried to keep my head in the conversation. .... It was a marvel.
The next day, after FINALLY chatting with my AZ friend for nearly 3 hours I realized the power of prayer - the power of pursuing God's prompting in praying for someone when He puts them on your heart. I realized that my friend's prayers were in preparation for what that night held... (not that it was a MAJOR traumatic event potential, but ... big enough for my books in terms of killing my joy for a few days). Her prayers were offered to God in sweet inscense and showered around my heart as a protection from pain. God gave me wisdom, He gave me compassion, love, joy, peace.... all things good. My feelings for *crush* have maintained themselves and our friendship has increased in quality. I know that if the crush feelings fade, I will ALWAYS have a good solid friendship with this guy.... and that's a killer blessing.

THIS is what true friendship is.

It is about praying for people, not just thinking about them. It is about standing next to them when they're fighting something wicked.... It is about full on loving them when they need it the most.

I got a birthday present from another bestie (one who lives in Omaha NE - darn friends live so far away. I guess that's what happens when you meet them in Germany). It is a book on friendship - different quotes. On the second last page is a quote that so fittingly depicts my heart for these 2 particular friendships --- or many friendships in my life. It fit so well with the last 2 weeks, with the revelations God's been giving me, and how I really feel deep down.

"The very best friends have the kind of relationship where each thinks she's getting the better part of the deal."

I do hope and pray you have a friend (or friends) like this in your life. They really are God's gift.

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