Tuesday, June 30, 2009

* sigh *

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I had put a lot of weight on my acceptance/rejection from school this year as far as planning anything for the fall went.

Everything has been up in the air.

And then I caught up with some rad "friemily" from California (friends + family = friemily) who proposed i intern their church for 6 months.

Whoa. Wrench in the wheel.
My world stopped.
I have NOTHING holding me back. This could be my life for the next 8 months!

After talking it over with God some, discussing it with friends, and weighing pros and cons, I am somewhat excited about the opportunity. Maybe, just maybe THIS is where I need to go/what I need to do this fall.

I am in the early stages of constructing a city-wide young adults retreat though (with others) and am hoping to get October secured for that... It would be pretty awesome... For which we could get my friemily from Cali to speak at??? Potentially.
We need to secure it and hash out the details financially first - and then so on...

And then i got my letter in the mail. NO GO for school. Whoa. Crazy. Perhaps California is where I need to be. All my close friends say "yes"... Jesus and I are still talking.
These 6 months, altho daunting, could be another amazing six months in my life, just like the 6 i wouldn't trade for any money in the world, the 6 months I spent in Germany at Bodenseehof.

As for now...

Creationfest is in 3 weeks. I'm SO unbelievably excited. I can't wait to jump around to amazing worship bands like Casting Crowns, mosh to Skillet, fall to my knees in worship during David Crowder, hand-slam with the boys to LeCrae...
I'm camping with my friends from Teen Challenge. Heart them. I can't wait to celebrate the fact that I met them there 1 year ago. Wow. 1 year. they'll be getting a good kiss on the cheek from me!!

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