Thursday, July 16, 2009


God SOOOO knows when I need a little encouragment.

Today, not feeling so hot, just kinda blah.
I decide to go get myself a coffee but in order to get as much sunshine as i can, i took the long way around Rehab outside as opposed to inside.

I walk up to the doors that go into the lobby and there's a few patients hanging around outside the door - usually smoking, but this one guy was just sitting in his wheelchair, he looks at me and yells out "Hey, did your boyfriend tell you that you look beautiful this morning?"
... i keep walking up the path, smile and say, "uh... no".
I wasn't about to get into an "i don't have a boyfriend" conversation because those usually go a way I don't like.

Especially with patients.

He replies "well then give him shit!".

ha! ...
I laugh and tell him thanks as I walk into the building.

He made my day.

Like i said, sometimes God uses the most unusual people to encourage you when you need it most...


Patti said...

nice! You are every way!

Patti said...

whoops! I posted twice...sorry Shar! But really, you are doubly beautiful...inside and out!