Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wow, it has been a while...

So there is FAR too much to update as a whole so I'll just throw this out there..

I got the opportunity to speak at The House (one of my most favorite places) and have been asked to be in a form of leadership there. A few of my friends missed out on hearing me and I didn't think the night was recorded... but .. it was!! Go figure.. I may end up speaking again. I have yet to start working on what God wants me to "talk" on.

There ya are...

I MAY have a part time job coming up in that same lovely environment (The House) -- it was offered unofficially so I have yet to wait and see. I'm excited about it as it may be a HUGE answer to prayer for me...

My friends are lovely -- they keep me going.
I'm still super tight with the Teen Challenge crew. Probably too much so - but that is something I'm working on. They are some of the most amazing men though... i'm "addicted"...

I'm sure there's more I can talk about but... , this was for you Patti :)

1 comment:

Patti said...

I ♥ you Shar! Thanks for the post :)