Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Christ IN you... literally...

Ever heard of a molecule called Laminin? I didn't until about a month ago. Whoa. ... now that is an eye opener.
Cool video here.

No time for video? just check out this image:

I thought so too.
There's a new fun song running through my head. It's fun.... i haven't really listened to all the words tho, so it may not be my philosophy. HA!
I had the best weekend ever. It started with my mom's birthday on friday - went out for dinner with the fam. JUST got home when the my brother and his gf showed up at the door! SURPRISE! So.. that was fun... That night I went out and saw Wolverine (delish), the next day I went to a BBQ and had some GREAT laughs while playing a game called "Quelf" . Oh gosh. If you want to laugh at other people and yourself, that's the game to play. Sunday was an awesome service at church... and then sunday night I hosted a bonfire. Again.. more laughing. These new (and old) friends of mine are just fabulous... Seriously. We wound up having a marshmallow fight of all marshmallow fights that included a good wad of squished marshmallows being put down the back of one guy's shirt... Another guy kept putting more and more twigs on the fire to the point where the fire matter (sticks) were only about 2 feet off the ground, but the flames shot up about 8 or 9 feet. NO JOKE. I started freaking out, for fear that my parents would either yell from the house or a neighbor would call 9-1-1. Instead, this one guy Jared, decided he would JUMP THROUGH the flames. Twice. Again, freak me out. He only had a few singed leg hairs. He tried to convince me to do it but uh, no thanks. I still can't believe that he jumped THROUGH the flames, and those flames were not exactly small... Silly man.
Monday invovled a good hike - impromptu - with 14 young adults! It was a great turn out!! 8 of us went to Boston Pizza after to revive ourselves - and from there I met up with a couple different friends to go bowling... I'm not a fan of 5-pin bowling. I'm all about 10 pin. ... that's all I have to say about that. Or Wii bowling, that's fun too.
So, some of us girls have been thinking about summer events. Seeing as how 2 of us have the "in" with 3 different church young adults groups, we're taking on the organization of "Summer Funs", yes "funs". Once a month we want to do something that may require a bit of cash, but for every other event, we just want to get out and do hikes, bikes, walks, bonfires, bbq's etc. It is more than awesome to get large groups of young adults together to meet each other and hang out. We just need events to do it... We've already decided that one weekend we're going to road trip out to Playland ... Oh yes... bring on the rollarcoasters! :D

That's it for now.
I'm at work. Back in Rehab. I forgot how quiet it can be - hence the blog. :) I dont' mind, i don't mind AT ALL....

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