Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meh, title schmitle....

1. What's your favorite line from a movie?
Umm... "ORANGE MOCHA FRAPPACHINOS!" or...pretty much ANYTHING from Zoolander. Or Princess Bride. Those movies are LIFE to me sometimes..

2. What "group" did you belong to in high school?
I think we were kind of the "academics". No drugs, no hard core partying, all had plans for post-secondary education (and i think we all got a degree in something). I did float around to all the other groups though, I was able to socialize with everyone (thankfully).

3. If you had $1000 just for yourself what would you spend it on?
I wouldn't be able to pinpoint something actually. I'd rather take someone else out and spend it on them.

4. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
Favorite? Yikes. Perhaps Inspector Gadget? [the GIRL had the brains.... ]

5. What kind of sleeper are you?
I like all positions...

AND.... 1sts.

1. Do you still talk to your first love?
If referring to the first guy i dated? We're facebook friends. I don't know if i can actually say "first 'love'". He was a treasure given to me at that time... Every guy I've crushed on since then has been deeper still. The current? Deepest yet, but also the most inspiring.

2. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Strawberry Margarita.

3. What was your first job?
Mc Donalds. Loved it.

4. What was your first car?
'86 Dodge Aries "K". It rocked my world for 6 years.

5. Who was the first person to text you today?
On Blackberry Messenger - got a "good morning" from Cam.
Actual text this afternoon: Mark

6. Who was the first person you thought of this morning?
I can't remember...

7. Who was your first grade teacher?
Miss Reynolds.

8. Where did you go on your first flight in a plane?
I have NO idea. I was probably a baby, flying from Saskatchewan to BC. International? Perhaps Hawaii or California... I was maybe 5?
9. Who was your first best friend and do you still talk?
Cara Andrews. And nope .... My best friends since then? DEFINITELY.

10. Where was your first sleepover?
Wow... like anyone could remember all those elementary school birthday parties!

11. Who was the first person you talked to today?
My cat. or.... this youth at work - telling me that Starbucks wasn't allowed in the building. He was funny. Oh wait! The lady at Starbucks!

12. Whose wedding were you in for the first time?
I was a flower girl in my uncle's wedding when i was probably 8. Bridesmaid in my brother's wedding.

13. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Check my phone for emails/FB status updates etc.... wondering if it was worth it to turn on the computer.

14. What was the first concert you went to?
Jesus Northwest. That was an amazing experience... The biggest names in Christian music back in '97. Camping. Cool people.

15. First tattoo?
July 10'07. "Jesus" on my right ankle.

16. First piercing?
My ears, when i was 4? Also got an earring at the top of my left ear with my best friend Kerri back about 9 years ago?

17. First foreign country you went to?
Is Tijuana MEX foreign? Or how about the US? .... Otherwise, Bonaire? OR many countries in Europe.

18. First movie you remember seeing?

19.What state did you first live in?
The state of being alive. A healthy state!

20. Who was your first room mate?
Sarah and Tanya

21. When was your first detention?
Didn't meet detention.

22. the list I stole this from didn't have a 22, so I guess I won't either!
23. or a 23??? random

24. What is one thing you would learn, given the chance?
Sign language. Or both German and French.

25. Who will be the next person to post this?
Meh... no one. I was just bored. And i stole it from Julie's site.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fast Fall...

Wow.. It has been a while. But i don't think I have honestly been able to sit down long enough to post a blog - or maybe I just haven't been motivated to.

Hello friends!

It has been a busy last couple of weeks! Seriously. But now, fall is going to get even FASTER...

1. NEW JOB! Wahoo! This job is a TOTAL answer to prayer. I had a peace this whole year in regards to where God was leading me because i KNEW He was leading. Don't get me wrong, there were moments when I said "I have NO idea what You're doing, God. I have NO idea what I will be doing this fall." But I did know that I had some options, some possibilities... but then, WHAM! God opens a door. It is NOTHING i could have done on my own ... NOTHING. And now, i'm more than excited for my future. .... The places this job could possibly open doors to is exciting. --- Like I wrote in my very first blog post, I love RJ.

2. Young adults. Wowzers.... I'm involved in 2 young adults groups. One being my home church's and the other, the city/valley-wide one. My church's young adults is doing a major re-vamp - going from having 400 young adults coming out to a staring over... We met Saturday to discuss what we want to see happen and such, and I'm excited for the 'casual' feel we want to take to start and see where God wants to lead. Our city wide gathering ("12") will be monthly *YAY!* and our kickoff is on the 25th. Somehow I was recruited to MC the event.... *gulp* but... it'll be fine. Even tho we're expecting about 250 people, they're all amazing, I know it! Haha.

3. Friends. Wow. I know some amazing persons. For real I do. I'm honored, daily, ...and humbled. I have my TC Boys who teach me things on a regular basis - their Wednesday public chapel I try to attend (and can with the flexibility my new job!). Aside from their jokes about how i'm not addicted to drugs - yet- , or haven't been drunk - yet-, or corrupted -yet-, they're continually holding me to a higher God-fearing accountability. I have been swimming in their staff house pool at 10pm (COLD!) and played cards there until 1:30am. I've been asked to help out with their Golf Tournament fundraiser coming up this Friday (I get a t-shirt! Score!). They are some of the most amazing men I have ever met. For real.
I have also been hanging out with another guy who has recently become a great challenging brother in faith. He has layed out some things for me to think about - nothing I can talk about right now, but encouraging yet challenging things.
I have a good set of girlfriends that I can talk to about anything and everything... I hang out with a couple different groups and do random events quite often. I can't say enough good stuff about my amazing friends.
3b. I'm planning a surprise party for one of my TC boys next week. He will be clean for 2 years and he's SO excited about that. I think it's pretty amazing.... it's the least I can do for him.

4. I'm thinking about taking the 'next' step in life and buying a condo or apartment here. I know Im ready to move out... and now that I am in a 'career' position, there is no better time. .. we'll see....

life is good. it's busy. there's something going on every night it seems ... but tonite i decided to opt out of 3 events to have a quiet night in.

-and no, no boyfriend. Just amazing friends who are filling that spot right now. They love me when I'm lonely, encourage me when I'm sad, and continue to push me to look to Christ for all things. I couldn't ask for a better place to be right now than where I'm at.

Praise God for that.